Thursday, January 27, 2011

Detox… is it for me?

Feeling sluggish? Need to get the energy moving, clean out those clogged up vessels and get the immune system back on track?

Detoxification can help you to regain optimal health and wellbeing, prevent diseases and rid the body of accumulated toxins and harmful chemicals, whether they be enterotoxins (internal i.e. food and beverages) or exotoxins (external i.e. environmental toxins).

If you answer yes to any of the following, a detox could be beneficial for you.

Do you:
  • Suffer from stress?
  • Eat pre-packaged foods?
  • Eat takeaway foods?
  • Use artificial sweeteners?
  • Drink coffee?
  • Have excess sugar?
  • Smoke or drink alcohol?
  • Work or live in an environment where chemicals are used?
  • Use household cleansers?
  • Use a microwave?
  • Use plastic containers to store food?
  • Use cosmetics or personal body items which contain chemicals, preservatives or parabens?
Detoxifying assists our organs to work more effectively and has anti-ageing benefits and promotes longevity.

At Hopewood, detoxification programs are undertaken in a supervised environment where progress is monitored daily. The most appropriate cleanse is selected by the naturopath based upon unique conditions and a thorough medical history. It may be recommended that you follow a healthy eating plan with meals designed specifically for your condition, or go on a juice or water fast. After completing a detox, it is common for people to feel invigorated and revitalised mentally and physically.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feeling stressed? Try laughing!

Laughter really is the best medicine. Laughing not only gives us an internal workout and stimulates circulation but can help to reduce levels of stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling calm and confident.

As a stress-buster, laughter is one of the most powerful resources available. In fact, some psychologists believe that humour has the opposite effect of stress.

Humour acts like floss for the mind - cleaning out the cobwebs that clutter our thoughts so we can focus more clearly. It also helps us to put our worries in perspective, so we can avoid having a meltdown when problems arise.

Physically, a good laugh acts like a wonder drug. Laughing relieves tension in the neck and shoulder area, massages internal organs, oxygenates the lungs, reduces blood pressure, reduces stress-inducing chemicals and increases pain-killing endorphins.

One doctor found that 20 seconds of laughter is the same caloric workout as three minutes on a rowing machine, while another study found that laughter works faster on the body than either Valium or vodka!

So next time you’re feeling stressed... give yourself a good dose of the giggles and laugh the weight from your shoulders!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Make 2011 the year to drink more… water, that is.

Our bodies need at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily to help flush out toxins.

By drinking water regularly you could enjoy the benefits of improved digestion, a stronger immune system, a more alkaline environment within the body with less inflammatory conditions, a healthy nervous system with increased mental function and longevity.

Water is involved in almost every bodily function and is an essential nutrient as life cannot exist without it. Water assists in nutrient transportation, digestion and absorption and the elimination of waste products. Water also carries electrolytes, which are mineral salts that help convey electrical currents in the body.
Water maintains and regulates body temperature, blood volume and blood pressure.

FACT ~ Did you know that dehydration is a common cause of elimination ailments such as chronic constipation, urinary tract infections, haemorrhoids and even degenerative diseases like arthritis.

Common signs of dehydration are headaches, dizziness, fatigue, dry skin, dull back pain and swollen hands and feet.

So this summer, drink up!