Wednesday, February 29, 2012

10 Easy Exercises For the Busy Person

Are you trying to be more active but do not have time to have a proper workout or go to the gym?  If that is the case, we can help you out with a few tips for exercising, without really exercising!

  1. One of the most natural ways to get a workout without noticing is probably laughing. Get together with a group of friends and head over to a comedy club.  By the end of the night your abs will be aching.
  2. Are you one of those people who will wait ages for the elevator to arrive? Perhaps take the stairs instead.  Taking the stairs can be faster than waiting and riding the elevator.
  3. Keep active at your desk.    When you’re sitting in your chair try some breathing exercises and easy aerobics.  For example, hold in your stomach and let it out.
  4. Leg lifts are an even better aerobic to do from your chair at work.  It’s easy to do and your colleagues won’t look at you funny.
  5. Buy a stress ball and squeeze it during work, while watching TV or even at school. This burn calories, relieves stress and improves your blood flow.
  6. It’s always helpful to think of an alternative.  If your work is fairly close to you, instead of taking the bus all the way to the door step, hop off a few stops before and enjoy the fresh air.
  7. Speaking of fresh air, if you have children or pets, spend some time outdoors.  Play some of their favourite games which will keep you running around.
  8. Everyone’s home tends to get a bit messy and that may be your excuse to avoid going to the gym.  Although if you are doing a full thorough clean of your house, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning windows, all of these activities get your heart pumping!
  9. Some people find gardening relaxing but it is also hard work.  Activities like this allow you to enjoy your hobbies and include some exercise outside.
  10. Do you enjoy the nightlife? Grab dancing shoes because whether it is tango, salsa, hip hop or ballet, dancing uses all of your body parts and you get a great work out while having fun.

Finding time to exercise can be difficult especially after a long day of work when you just want to go home and sleep.  By switching up your daily routine just a tad, you will be able to add in fun, easy exercises.  You’ll be feeling less fatigued and more alive in no time!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The People of Hopewood - Meet Donna

The People of Hopewood: an ongoing blog series

Meet Donna

Donna assists Chef John Estival in the kitchen.  She oversees the preparation of the yummy soups, salads, and fruit platters that you see in the dining room.  Donna works hard to make sure that meals meet guests’ individual health needs.

How long have you been working at Hopewood?
16 years

What do you enjoy most about working at Hopewood?
I love the healthy lifestyle that Hopewood encourages.  And I enjoy working in such a great team environment.  The supportive and caring staff at Hopewood are like family to me.

Do you have any tips for how you take care of your own personal health and wellbeing?
I always try to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and to exercise.  I’ve also found that laughter and being positive are invaluable to my health and wellbeing.

What is your best piece of advice for healthy living?
Pottering in your garden is great therapy!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why You Should Avoid Too Much Caffeine

Many of us feel like we just aren’t human until we’ve had a cup of coffee in the morning.  But is all that caffeine really good for us?

Before you reach for that second cup of coffee, here’s what you should know about the possible health risks.

  • Each person reacts differently to caffeine and we all have different tolerance levels.  Listen to what your body is telling you.
  • Caffeine can cause gastro-intestinal problems, i.e., bloating, gut pain and flatulence.
  • For others, caffeine can cause anxiety, irritability, heart palpitations and insomnia.
  • Some people experience arrhythmia after drinking caffeine.  Therefore, if you have a heart condition, you should stay away from drinks that contain caffeine.
  • Make sure you counteract the caffeine with a glass of water.  Caffeine is a diuretic and can cause increased urination and possible dehydration.  
  • High levels of caffeine have been found to increase calcium excretion.  If you have a family history of osteoporosis, it’s good to avoid caffeine whenever possible.

If you find yourself craving a second cup of coffee during the day, there’s good reason.  The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant drug with addictive properties.  Have you ever missed your daily coffee?  Perhaps you felt irritable, couldn't concentrate or had a headache.  These are normal withdrawal symptoms.  If you decide to stop caffeine, do so slowly as these withdrawal symptoms can be hard to handle.  As you are slowly decreasing your caffeine intake, be sure to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and drink plenty of water.  Now is a great time to experiment with different types of tea.  Rooibus tea and green teas are flavourful and their low caffeine levels make them the perfect beverage.

By Jenny Colless-Buhn, Naturopath at Hopewood Health Retreat