Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Spring into good health

Spring is almost upon us and after the long and cold months of winter, many can be left feeling lethargic and unmotivated to take on the new season. We are all guilty of indulging in a little comfort food, so why not put that spring back in your step by trying a detoxification to get you feeling healthy, happy and motivated again.

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. There are many methods to detoxify our bodies such as change of diet and fresh fruit and vegetable juices. A detox aims to benefit both your physical and mental health.

A good start is to introduce organic food sources into the diet as they are free from chemical sprays and drug residues. Drinking plenty of water will aid in the elimination of toxins through the kidneys, aim for at least 2 litres a day.
Eat a diet low in fat and high in fibre by increasing your intake of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and pulses. This will assist your body in eliminating stored wastes. The Western diet is generally lacking in vitality and freshness, it is low in fibre and too refined which can lead to poor digestion.

It is very important to avoid processed foods. Industrial food production has led to low levels of vitamins and minerals and high quantities of preservatives and other additives. Also avoid foods that are hard to digest and irritate the gut such as wheat and dairy. This will help to cleanse the digestive tract. Brown rice, oats, millet, buckwheat and quinoa and pulses should be emphasised instead.

Detoxing can cause headaches, skin outbreaks, diarrhoea or bad breath as the body is performing a function that it does not often perform. It is recommended that those without detox experience do so in a controlled, healthy environment where the support they may require is available.
Going on a detoxification can prove very difficult as there are many distractions. Hopewood Health Retreat can help tailor you a program which will prove effective and easy, and will offer continuous support throughout the program.

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